
Zawgyi Normalization Program


- extract and run normalize.exe test.txt 6 in command line (Command Prompt).
(6 is zawgyi for this exe file)
- Input file must be UTF8 encoded text file
- outfile will be test.out

Able to fix the following things

ေမာင္ ္ ္ ္ ္ က ု       ိ  က ိ      ု ၏၏၏၏၏၏၏။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။။
ျမျကျခ ျကျကိ ျကြ ျကြိ ျခ ျခြ ျခိ ျခြိ ျခ ျခြ ျခိ ျခြီ

and result will be like this.

ေမာင္္ ကို ကို၏။

Here is my license

- Cannot be used in Commercial related programs, applications, anything , related with commercial things
- Must be credit to me, if you use and put your data or program online.

Soe Min


khin oo may said...

လာလာဖတ်နေတာ စိတ်အနာေျပ်အယုက်ျမားဖြဈမလားဟင်။

မာ့ခ္ said...

LoL! No I am happy, Ma KOM

S'orlok Reaves said...

Looks great! This tool would be very helpful for forums, so that they can avoid simple errors when users post in Burmese. :)


က်ေနာ္ဖတ္ေသာ အျခား ဘေလာ့ / ဆိုဒ္မ်ား